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ALLi To Give Bursaries For Mark Dawson’s Self-Publishing 101 This Weekend

Mark Dawson's Self-Publishing 101

Self-Publishing 101: All You Need To Know To Make, Distribute and Sell Your Book.

ALLi and Mark Dawson are joining forces to offer Mark's Self-Publishing 101 course to ALLi members and friends.

You may have already heard about this course, which took its first intake at the end of last year. At ALLi, we heard excellent feedback from members who joined and have already watched a number of authors applying the learning and immediately benefitting.

Orna and Mark got talking when they were speaking on a panel together and the upshot is that this weekend, Mark is opening the course exclusively to ALLi members and friends.

You can hear some testimonials here:

BONUSES & BURSARIES: We are conscious that the course represents quite an investment for some authors, depending on personal circumstances and where they might be in their author career.

So part of this unique arrangement, ALLi is offering bursaries to a number of participating authors, as soon as they've completed the editorial and design stages of the coursework. The bursary will refund their fees in full, thereby giving a kickstart to their marketing budget.

Mark is also going to make affiliate payments to ALLi which we'll be putting towards our Self-Publishing For All Campaign, which will launch later this year, bringing self-publishing education to marginalized communities around the world.

Register Here Any Time from Noon Fri 3rd February to 4pm Sun 5th Feb (all times GMT )

Open Enrollment for all members, subscribers and friends of ALLi But Only Members Are Entitled To Bursary

Scroll down for further details

A word of encouragement from Orna

Orna Ross Headshot Black and White

For some time, we've been watching out for a course we could recommend to our members.

It needed to be comprehensive, offering the full spread of all the processes of publishing — marketing and selling, as well as production and distribution. And to be a course that didn't peddle false hope, or the sort of book marketing that only feeds the ego.

In short, it needed to offer a solid foundation for success.

I know the thought of adding one more piece of knowledge or activity to what may be already a bulging to-do list might feel like more than you can bear. As an indie author myself, as well as Director of ALLi, I see at first hand how authors can sometimes feel overwhelmed.

And the year has only just begun!

Becoming a successful indie author doesn't mean doing everything, though. It means doing what works for you — and dropping the rest.

Mark's 101 course shows a way to do that and ticks all those boxes of being comprehensive, to the point and full of great information. (And offers some great bonuses too). We're pleased to commend it to you.

What I personally like most is that the course offers a simple-to-set, largely automated marketing method that gets your existing book(s) into the hands of readers, and pushes them up the sales charts, while you get on with writing the next one.

Registration: Noon Fri 3rd February to 4pm Sun 5th Feb (all times GMT )

What's in the Course?

This is a publishing, not a writing course. Here's the bones of what you will learn:

  • how to package a great book: cover design, blurb writing, metadata
  • how to upload your books to the various sales platforms
  • how to create your website and mailing list
  • how to create a stream of eager readers and work with them to promote and sell your book

Click here for Mark giving the complete lowdown

Click here to register for the course

Apply For An ALLi Bursary

ALLi is offering bursaries to applicants (ALLi members only) who are most in need of this course. The bursary kicks in at the point when the author has completed the writing and production of their book.

Here's how it works:

  1. You register and pay for the course.
  2. On completion of Module 2, you apply for the bursary using this form and emailing a copy of your personal statement to [email protected].
  3. We will contact you by email to let you know if you have been successful in your application.
  4. Fees will be refunded in full for successful applicants, the idea being you will then have a budget to apply some of the marketing techniques taught on the course.
  5. Closing date for all bursaries is October 1st 2017.

Meet Mark Dawson

Mark Dawson Indie Author FringeFor his first book, The Black Mile, Mark couldn’t find readers or get reviews. He ran free promotions, but had no way of connecting with his readers. He spent hundreds of dollars on marketing that didn’t work. So he read books and blog posts and listened to podcasts. He tried and failed and tried again, and bit by bit he began to see results. He did more of the activities that worked – and discarded the activities that didn’t.

Eventually, he pieced together a system that has led to some pretty amazing results:

  • He's a bestselling author on Amazon, Apple, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble and has hit the USA Today bestseller list several times.
  • He has been featured in Forbes, The Daily Mail, The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Times, The Financial Times and the BBC.
  • He is committed to educating authors and speaks regularly about self-publishing at conferences and on Amazon panels.

Mark's method has allowed him to make a full-time living as an indie author since November 2014. This is the method he shares, in full, in this course. It's solid advice, tried and tested now by a number of authors.

Click here to Enrol

Enrollment for the course runs over this weekend, only: Noon on Friday 3rd Feb to 4pm Sun 5th Feb (all GMT times).

Mark Dawson's Self-Publishing 101

Please let us know if you have any questions below

Limited Time Only: Enrollment into Mark Dawson's #selfpub 101 course @SelfPubForm bit.ly/SP101twt Share on X


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