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ALLi Partnership Success Story: Thomson-Shore To The Rescue

ALLi Partnership Success Story: Thomson-Shore to the Rescue

Photo of a happy Tonia with her book

Thanks to Thomson-Shore, the story of Tonia Bell's first venture in self-publishing has a happy ending

At ALLi, it's not just our Author Members who help each other to reach greater heights. Our valued Partner Members make a significant and often unseen contribution to the success of indie authors, and their impact is often unseen by the wider world – and the reader – whose main concern is book and its author, not the team that brought the book to market.

So today we'd like to celebrate a particular success story brought to our attention by Joel Bradley, Marketing Coordinator at Thomson-Shore in Detroit, Michigan, USA. 


thomson-shore-logoOn a late September afternoon, a local Detroit news station aired a story about woman named Tonia Bell who teamed up with an independent publishing help center that went by the name of Green Ivy Publishing. They promised to help her edit, design, and produce her book that she dedicated to her late husband. Tonia Bell paid $3500 dollars to the company and was excited to finally see her book after all the time she invested into writing it.

However, after she paid the contract in full, she never heard from Green Ivy Publishing again.

You can still view the news item with Tonia's interview on YouTube here.

Enter Thomson-Shore

Thomson-Shore, a book services provider based out of Dexter, Michigan, tuned into the news that night, and heard about Tonia’s situation. Thomson-Shore is uniquely positioned in this aspect since they offer everything from editing, design, book production, and distribution, all under one roof.

They decided to call Tonia, and work alongside her to make her book a reality, with no out-of-pocket expenses.

After months going back and forth with Tonia, and hearing about her vision, her book was finally made a reality and is now available for purchase at The Seattle Book Company here and on Amazon here.

“Writing a book is always an endeavor, and it takes a lot of time, money and resources to finally get a book finished,” says Joel Bradley. “Thomson-Shore always wants to make sure that independent, and self-publishers are receiving a finished book that they can proudly place on bookshelves everywhere. Whether it’s the design of the book, how the book reads, or the physical production of the book, Thomson-Shore will always help you put your best book forward.”

We're glad that the story of Tonia Bell's first venture into self-publishing had a happy ending – and at ALLi, we continue to campaign against exploitative and dishonest practices by shady service providers. 

How ALLi partner @ThomsonShore rescued an indie #author from an unscrupulous service provider Share on X

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