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ALLi News: London Book Fair Discounts And IndieReCon Extensions

ALLi News: London Book Fair Discounts and IndieReCon extensions

T.S. Eliot said April is the cruellest month, but April is looking relatively rosy round ALLi way, with some big discounts for London Book Fair – and plenty of good news for our IndieReCon conference, which runs from April 15th to the 17th.

ALLi Discount: London Book Fair for Free

ALLi members, some of you may have already noticed on our Facebook forum that we have managed to negotiate a limited supply of free London Book Fair passes exclusively for our members. If you are planning on attending, simply head over to the Discounts & Deals section of our site (members only) and you’ll find the link to avail.

There are a limited number of free tickets, and once they are gone, they are gone. However, we have also negotiated some heavily discounted tickets, with 50% off the standard London Book Fair entry for ALLi Members. You’ll also find that offer in the members area of the site.

IndieReCon – Your Submissions Still Welcome!

ALLi_IRC2015-RGB-72dpi-WEBThings are really starting to shape up for IndieReCon 2015 – a free to attend online and offline conference we are running with S. R. Johannes and Ali Cross this April. Our first batch of speakers have been announced, and we’re delighted to finally pull together our crew of fantastic volunteers to help us make this the best IndieReCon yet.

Which is where you come in dear ALLi member. We are delighted with the proposals we have received so far, and are still welcoming more from our members. If you’ve got an idea for a talk, twitter chat or hangout or are interested in presenting or leading a panel, get in touch with us. The form is right here, and the deadline has now been extended to the 21st February.

We’ll be sending out more information on IndieReCon now as our programme and speaker list start to really take shape – so don’t forget to head over to the IndieReCon website to register your attendance, and keep in touch with us via the IndieReCon Facebook page and Twitter.

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Free #LBF15 passes for @IndieAuthorALLi members - get them before they go! #selfpub Share on X



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