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Subscription Models for Indie Authors: ALLi Ultimate Guide

Reader subscriptions can be a great way to connect with your fans, generate revenue and cultivate a loyal following. By offering exclusive content, personalized interactions or behind-the-scenes access, authors can create a sustainable income stream while strengthening reader relationships. In today’s post, we'll delve into the essentials of establishing and running a subscription for authors programme, exploring key models, tools and best practices to maximize success so you can watch your fanbase flourish.
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Global Distribution

Global Book Distribution for Indie Authors: ALLi Ultimate Guide

As self-published authors, we have the opportunity to bring our stories to audiences around the world, without the potential barriers or limitations of a traditional publishing house. Reaching out beyond your home nation is in your hands, but it doesn’t come without it’s challenges. In today’s Alliance of Independent Authors Blog post, we'll explore the strategies and platforms that can help self-published authors distribute their books worldwide.
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Setting Up An Indie Author Festival

Setting up an Indie Author Festival: ALLi Ultimate Guide

As the independent author community grows, the need for new platforms to showcase our work becomes increasingly important. Enter the indie author festival – a celebration of literature, creativity, and the diversity of stories being told by indie authors. This ALLi post explores the steps involved in creating a space where self-published authors can connect with readers, fellow writers, and the literary community at large.
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The Ultimate Guide to Author Pen Names

You've finished a book. You're an author, congratulations. Now you need to decide if you publish under your name, or a pseudonym. Pen names can have a lot of emotion connected to them or they can be the freeing safety net you didn't know you needed. But why would you use one? When should you use one? What do you need to consider when choosing? That's the topic the Alliance of Independent Authors AskALLi team is covering today: the ultimate guide to pen names.
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