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Editors Discuss Where Writers Go Wrong: Ricardo Fayet

Editors Discuss Where Writers Go Wrong: Ricardo Fayet

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Ricardo Fayet Indie Author FringeThree professional editors join Ricardo Fayet in discussing the most common writing mistakes authors make in their first drafts and how not to make them. From craft topics — plot, characterization, point of view, dialogue, structure, voice — to grammatical mistake, the focus is on helping authors approach their work with more clarity and keep them from stumbling on common pitfalls.

#IndieAuthorFringe #Editors Discuss Where Writers Go Wrong @reedsyhq bit.ly/2mFZzMk Share on X

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Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


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