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Key Clauses Indie Authors Need To Watch For In Trade Publishing Contracts: Orna Ross & Toby Mundy

Key Clauses Indie Authors Need To Watch For in Trade Publishing Contracts: Orna Ross & Toby Mundy

[sc:fbf16hdr] Toby Mundy Author Agent Rights RepresentationOrna Ross Headshot Black and White
Orna Ross, Director of the Alliance of Independent Authors, and Toby Mundy catch up on what's happening for ALLi members when it comes to selling publishing rights. And Toby offers advice on key clauses authors should be aware of in publishing contracts.

#IAF16 Key Contract Clauses To Watch For @tobymundy @ornaross http://bit.ly/2dNZ1zN #Indieauthorfringe Share on X

Click here to find out more about Toby Mundy or Orna Ross

Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


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