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How To Hitch Your Digital Marketing To Your Bottom Line: Gabriel Mercer

How to Hitch your Digital Marketing to your Bottom Line: Gabriel Mercer

Session Sponsored by Pronoun[sc:fbf16hdr]

gm_headshot_grayscaleAs authors we’re told to do social media and email marketing, grow our website traffic and develop our author platform — but how do we know which activities are paying back our investment of time and money, and which are a drain? The key is tracking. In a wide ranging presentation that first sets the fundamentals of accounting and budgeting; moves on to affiliate tracking and the ins and outs of Amazon Associates accounts; and ends by showing you a range of free tools that can track your social media, email, and paid traffic (your UTM parameters), digital strategist and growth consultant Gabriel Mercer guides you step-by-step through what you need to know to hitch your author platform and your book marketing to your bottom line.

#IAF16 The Key To A Successful #Author Business @gmwrites http://bit.ly/2ezlROq #Indieauthorfringe Share on X

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Author: Indie Author Fringe

The Indie Fringe Author Conference takes place three times a year, in line with London Book Fair in April; Book Expo America in May and Frankfurt Book Fair in October


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