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Self-publishing & Marketing Children’s Picture Books: KAREN INGLIS

Self-publishing & Marketing Children’s Picture Books: KAREN INGLIS

Hear London-based children’s author, Karen Inglis, talk through top tips and home truths about self-publishing children’s picture books – including why print and selling face-to-face matters, costing your project, finding illustrators and making the most of your artwork to plan, promote and run school events and to support local bookshops.



This Article is from the IndieReCon 2015 Conference, for more Agenda content please view our event archives

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    This Post Has 3 Comments
    1. I’m a member of ALLI and heard about your work on an Alli Podcast. I have self published a children’s picture/story book. It’s targeted to children in the 8 – 10 year old age range. Here’s my elevator sentence: In Ogi Bogi, The Elephant Yogi: Stories About Yoga for Children, readers will find a collection of original stories that teach children how to attain this state of awareness and use it to deal with issues like self-confidence, social skills, emotions (pleasant, intense or painful), peer pressure and academic success. The stories provide clear examples, in child friendly language that help children make a direct connection between a real life situation, a specific exercise and its effect, and through that process learn to manage emotions and reduce stress.
      It’s done OK for a first effort but now I’m wondering about the possibility of taking it to the next level – any advice or resources you can share will be appreciated. Thanks!

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