Welcome back to member milestones. This regular post from the Alliance of Independent Authors celebrates indie author success stories from across our members. A big congratulations to those featured today!
Do you have a milestone to share?
We are always looking to hear from our members about your achievements; from those of you who are just setting out, to our most experienced Authorpreneurs. We celebrate every success on our member's author journeys, and we are particularly keen to hear about unusual or significant milestones that can inspire our indie author community.
Whatever your achievement, tell us using this form. We will share a selection of stories each month. Please note that entries are posted as submitted on the form, so please submit the information in a way you'd like shared.

Susan Grossey
Author Member: Susan Grossey
Susan has always made her living from crime – for twenty-five years as an anti-money laundering consultant, and now as the author of historical financial crime novels. She has completed one series of seven books, set in London in the 1820s, and is now publishing the first in her new series, this time set in Cambridge, UK – but still in the irresistible 1820s.
My new novel has been publicised in the “Cambridge Independent” weekly newspaper – on four different pages, including the front page!
Why are you proud?
As all indies know, marketing is hard – finding the imagination and energy on top of the actual writing and publishing. But I plug away – and eventually something pays off.
What have you learned?
You can only ask: all I did was send an email to the chap at the paper who seemed to publish the most articles about local authors and book-ish events, and he must have been looking for material.

Mike Magluilo
Associate Member: Mike Magluilo
Mike Magluilo is a writer and recovering finance professional. He is the author of the coming-of-age novel A Reason to Run, scheduled for publication in October 2023.
My flash fiction story The Golden Boy won first place in Flash Fiction Magazine's summer 2023 story contest. A link to the story is here.
Why are you proud?
I submitted my story The Golden Boy to nine literary publications, all of which either rejected or ignored it. So I kept working to improve it. Early this summer, I entered The Golden Boy in a contest sponsored by Flash Fiction Magazine. In June, I learned the story was one of 18 finalists out of 240 submissions. A few weeks later I learned my story won FIRST PLACE!
What have you learned?
I've never known rejection like that experienced over the past three years as an aspiring writer. The trade-off is I've also never known the satisfaction of creating something from nothing and allowing my work to speak for itself.

Eleanor Dixon
Author Member: Eleanor Dixon
Eleanor Dixon is a former ballet dancer who has travelled extensively. She writes award-winning adventure and fantasy for tweens which are also loved by adults.
I have recently received two Gold Awards for Tally and the Angel Book Two in Canada. One from Literary Titan and one from Mom's Choice.
Why are you proud?
I am proud to have my work recognised and the accompanying reviews convinced me that I must be doing something right.
What have you learned?
It's not all about volume of sales. Receiving an editorial review, which likened my books to those of C S Lewis and L. Frank Baum, brought tears of humility to my eyes.