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Happy Holidays From ALLi

Happy Holidays from ALLi

Happy Holidays, to all ALLi members, indie authors and publishing industry creatives alike!

It has been our honor and pleasure to work with you in 2022, through all the successeschallenges, changes, and opportunities it delivered.

The Alliance of Independent Authors is now officially closed until January 3rd, with just sporadic email checks across the holidays, for urgent queries. Anything non-urgent will be dealt with on our return.

We wish you all things merry and bright for the holidays. Have a fabulously festive time, filled with good cheer and plenty of good books.

Thank you for support over the past year. Everyone at ALLi appreciates you following our blog posts, listening to our podcasts, reading our guidebooks, and availing of all the other services in our self-publishing advice center. And of course, sharing your feedback about our work and your experience as an indie author.

Your support and hard work ensures that we serve not just our members but also a wider audience of dedicated self-publishing authors–and that indie authors receive the recognition and treatment they deserve. 

From Orna and Philip, the two Dans, Howard, Kayleigh, John, Melissa, Michael, Sacha, Sarah and Tim, and all the ALLi advisors and ambassadors,

Happy Holidays!


And a peaceful and prosperous new year. May 2023 be our best year yet!



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