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Vellys Awards

Self-Publishing News: Amazon Launches Vellys Awards with $62,000 Prize for Serial Fiction

It’s always a pleasure to share some encouraging news that will pique the interest and get the juices flowing for a large number of you. And I get to round out this week with the news of a competition that’s open to everyone based in the United States. The Vellys, as Amazon would like us to know it affectionately, is a brand-new competition based on its Kindle Vella format. Entries are open until August 20. Prizes total $62,000 and include a first-time author award of $15,000 and a grand prize of $25,000.
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Self-Publishing News: Wattpad Parent Company Webtoon Receives Nearly $3B Valuation in IPO

Last week, we saw another reminder that there are actually bigger parts of our world than the traditional publishers, including Wattpad. Remember when Simon & Schuster was up for sale, and the valuation was just north of $2 billion? I’m fairly sure I commented at the time on the fact that although we think of the big traditional publishers as the behemoths of our industry, the figures didn’t stack up.
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Amazon Prime Day

Self-Publishing News: TikTok and Indie Booksellers Challenge Amazon Prime Day

Welcome to July. While the start of the month technically represents just the very beginning of the second half of the year, from here on in it can feel like one endless sale season. It kicks off with Amazon Prime Day. But this year, the everything store isn’t being left to own the field of early season sales. Two very different challengers will be of note to the writing community.
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AI-Written Film

Self-Publishing News: Cinema Cancels Screening of AI-Written Film

Cancel culture on the rise or institutions standing up for creatives? That’s the question that came to my mind as I read through the main story for today’s news about an AI-written film. We know many creatives feel an angst bordering on the existential about the use of AI. And nothing is as certain to raise hackles as moves that seem to endorse the artistic merit of entirely AI-generated works, especially when the AI is not really the point but just an everyday tool for production.
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Free Books

Self-Publishing News: Canadians Reading More Free Books Than Paid Across All Formats

More Canadians are now reading free books than paid ones across all formats. Remember what feels like many moons ago in a (just) pre-pandemic world when publishers started to get vociferous about libraries cannibalizing their sales and used it as a pretext to ramp up what they charged libraries for e-books? Today’s story feels like something that might have been leapt on as “evidence” during those fractious times. 
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AI Training

Self-Publishing News: Meta Pauses Use of Posts for AI Training in EU and UK

It feels as though this week starts with some little victories, and those are always good things to share. I’ll start with one of the stories I featured very recently: the move by Meta to use people’s posts across its various platforms, including Instagram and Facebook, for AI training. If you recall, users of those platforms had to jump through considerable hoops—from finding the notification in the first place to composing an essay explaining why they didn’t want their creative output to train AI—to withdraw from the scheme.
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Ethical AI

Self-Publishing News: Navigating Ethical AI Platforms and UK Election Promises for Creatives

Okay, “in a gold rush, sell shovels” is a cliché and one I’ve used a few times recently, but it’s a cliché because it’s true. Ethical AI is, of course, the latest gold rush. While the most obvious beneficiary from the shovel-selling philosophy is chip manufacturer Nvidia, other piggybackers are starting to circle. Add the general existential fear among creatives to that principle and what you get is a stream of providers seeking to provide assurance around the ethical origins of AI platforms. Ethical AI is, in essence, the carbon offsetting of the new tech wave.
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