Continuing the round-up of the ALLi self-publishing advice blog in 2014, here's a quick glance at what we covered on the theme of Publishing.
Every Friday, we addressed a different aspect of the publishing industry and its continuing development. Our guest bloggers reported from around the world on topics including:
- the print vs ebook debate
- quality control and standards in print books
- formatting and cover design
- the rise of the hybrid author
- reports on publishing industry events
- new awards open to self-publishing and indie authors
- the growing popularity of audio books
- opportunities in foreign markets
- pricing issues
- reviewing practices and standards
Two highlights of the Publishing strand were:
- the introduction of the Ethical Author campaign, triggered by Jane Steen's Opinion post about author ethics, and fuelling debate and resolutions around the world
- the appointment of Giacomo Giammatteo to our Watchdog team, which occasioned not only his revised edition of our guidebook Choosing a Self-publishing Service but also a series of incredibly detailed posts reviewing specific service providers, to supplement the guidebook
These posts continue to be very widely read, and repeatedly crop up online cited as the definitive go-to advice on those specific topics.
For a summary of all the posts we published in this category in 2014, click on this link.
In the New Year, we'll be moving the Publishing slot to Thursdays, when the theme of the day will be Production and Publishing. The Watchdog posts will remain on Fridays, alternating with ALLi News reports.
If you would like to write a guest post on any aspect of Production and Publishing, please don't hesitate to contact Debbie Young, Commissioning Editor of this blog – which will in future be known as ALLi's Author Advice Centre – to propose your idea and plan a suitable publication date.