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Is There A ‘Best Season’ For Book Award Submissions?

Is There a ‘Best Season’ for Book Award Submissions?

Photo of Hannah Jacobson Oct 2023

Hannah Jacobson

In this Alliance of Independent Authors post, Book Award Adviser Hannah Jacobson explores whether there's an ideal season for submitting books to literary awards. She offers insights on year-round strategies to help indie authors make the most of award opportunities and align submissions with their marketing goals.

Welcome to the Book Award Update for September 2024 with Hannah Jacobson from Book Award Pro.

Many independent authors wonder if there's an ideal time of year to submit for literary awards, a “best season” to pursue accolades.

The short answer?

Book awards happen year-round, and the best time to submit depends on various factors specific to each author and book.

Unlike traditional publishing, which often follows a predictable seasonal calendar, the world of book awards operates on diverse timelines. Some competitions align with the book industry's typical rhythms, while others intentionally diverge to accommodate the unique needs and schedules of independent authors.

This variety means that you don't need to wait for a particular season to seek recognition for your work. Instead, you can develop a strategic approach that aligns with your unique goals for your book.

Key Factors to Consider

Book Award SubmissionsAward Cycles

Different awards have different submission windows. Some awards align with the traditional publishing calendar, while others operate on a rolling basis. Many independent-focused awards even accept entries year-round.

Your Book's Publication Date

Most awards have eligibility requirements based on publication or copyright dates. While many award organizations seek books published within the last 1-2 years, there are also lots of programs which accept titles beyond five years post-publication.

Your Marketing Strategy

Award submissions can be aligned to support your overall marketing goals. As you plan the timing of your submissions, consider if you are amplifying a book launch, reviving sales for an older title, or building momentum for a series. Time your submissions to make the most marketing impact for your unique goals.

Making the Most of Year-Round Opportunities

Book Award SubmissionsIndependent authors can benefit from a steady, strategic, year-round approach to award submissions.

Keep these tips in mind as your pursue your journey in accolades:

Research continuously: Keep track of award opportunities throughout the year and make award research a regular part of your routine. The goal is to discover opportunities year-round, not just when you're actively looking to submit.

Plan ahead: Create a systematic approach to award submissions. Note submission deadlines and eligibility windows specific to your book. Space out submissions to maintain steady promotional opportunities.

Budget wisely: Award submissions often involve fees, so financial planning is important. Spread submission fees across the year to maximize your resources (and maintain a steady marketing impact for your book).

Diversify: Submit to a balance of different types of awards. For example, you might consider submitting to a major industry award, as well as awards that are focused on celebrating success in the independent author community. Consider both genre-specific and general literary awards for a variety of recognition.

Your Award Submission Action Plan

Book Award SubmissionsRather than waiting for a “perfect” season, focus your efforts on developing a year-round award submission strategy that complements your unique publishing and marketing goals.

The best time to submit your book for awards is when:

  • Your book meets all eligibility requirements
  • You have thoroughly researched the award opportunity
  • You have prepared a strong submission package
  • The submission aligns with your overall marketing strategy

Remember, every book award submission is an opportunity to gain recognition, reach new readers, and build your author platform. By taking a strategic, year-round approach, independent authors can maximize their chances of award success.

About Hannah Jacobson, ALLi Awards & Story Marketing Adviser

Hannah Jacobson is the founder of Book Award Pro: the company that leads the industry in helping authors find the perfect reviews and awards for their books.

Book Award Pro is the industry expert on accolades, operating the world's largest database of legitimate reviews and awards. Every year, authors spanning 6 continents win thousands of new awards, receive valuable reviews, and market their books in one easy-to-use platform.

Book Award Pro has been a trusted ALLi Partner Member since 2020. Hannah is the ALLi advisor for awards and story marketing, and contributes to ALLi resources including the Book Award & Contest Ratings page, Book Prizes & Awards for Indie Authors guidebook, and the Ultimate Guide to Winning Book Awards.

Begin your award-winning journey for free or connect with Hannah and Book Award Pro on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X.

Find out more

Front cover Book Prizes and Awards for Indie AuthorsFor more information on applying for book awards that are open to indie authors, you can purchase our short guide, available in multiple formats on our bookstore: Book Prizes & Awards for Indie Authors.

Members enjoy free access to the ebook.

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