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TV Appearance, Publishing Debuts, Faith-Based Books, And More: ALLi Member Milestones October 2024

TV Appearance, Publishing Debuts, Faith-Based Books, and More: ALLi Member Milestones October 2024

This regular post from the Alliance of Independent Authors celebrates ALLi member successes to inspire our indie author community. Our ALLi Member Milestones for  October 2024 celebrates the successes of author members Russell Phillips, Donna Galanti, Shamim Yusuf Kalarikkal, Fay A. Klingler, L. S. Westhoff, S. G. Fessel, Sara Sartagne, Rose O'Keefe, and J. A. Cox. Congratulations to all those featured in this month’s roundup and to everyone in our community who has hit a milestone this month!

Do you have a member milestone to share? 

We are always looking to hear from our members about your achievements; from those of you who are just setting out, to our most experienced Authorpreneurs. Whatever your achievement, if you are a member of ALLi, please tell us about your success stories using this form. We will share a selection each month with our members and our wider indie author network.

Russell Phillips

ALLi Member Milestones October 2024

Russell Phillips

Russell Phillips has always had a deep interest in history and conflicts all over the world and enjoys sharing their knowledge with others through clear, factual accounts that shine a light on events of the past. You can find them on Mastodon and Facebook.

Member Milestone

I was interviewed for a TV documentary about the 1980 Iranian Embassy siege. I published a book about the siege in 2015, so my role on the program was to be the expert, providing additional context and background. I've been interviewed on podcasts and YouTube, but this is my first time on TV.

What have you learned?

I was nervous, but everyone was very understanding and helpful. You don't need to know about TV beforehand—you'll be working with professionals, and they will give you all the help you need.

Donna Galanti

ALLi Member Milestones October 2024

Donna Galanti

Donna Galanti is the author of the illustrated middle-grade Unicorn Island series, the fantasy adventures Joshua and the Lightning Road and Joshua and the Arrow Realm, and the paranormal suspense Element Trilogy for adults. She frequently presents as a guest author at schools, teaches at writing conferences, and is the creator of several online Udemy courses for writers. You can find her on Facebook.

Member Milestone

I'm thrilled to have made the choice to join ALLi this month and learn the evolving world of self-publishing going forward writing for children and adults. This month I've acquired a copy editor, formatter, and cover designer and am in the first drafts of cover design for one of many manuscripts I plan to publish. After letting my second agent go and struggling with the decision to self-publish middle grade in a tough traditional publishing landscape for children's books, once I set my self-publishing plan in motion I became 110% excited and exhilarated to move forward and maintain creative control of my work. I came close twice in acquisitions over years with this one manuscript very special to me, and was so discouraged to come so close and then believe it would never be published—and now I plan to launch it in 2025! Full speed ahead!

What have you learned?

That I am only limited by my own beliefs, that there is not simply “one way” to be published and found by readers, and that I will no longer allow gatekeepers to squash my creative production.

Shamim Yusuf Kalarikkal

ShamimALLi Member Milestones October 2024 released his debut book with the title Why Sky Is Not The Limit, at the 2023 Sharjah International Book Fair. His book offers a compelling narrative of his journey witnessing the UAE's transformation into a trailblazing economy. You can find him on LinkedIn.

Member Milestone

I have been dreaming of becoming an author for a long time. My debut book is a tribute to the United Arab Emirates, where I was born. I proved to myself that my hard work led to a wonderful result.

What have you learned?

We must closely follow the target, the action plans, and the progress until we achieve the final result.

Fay A. Klingler

ALLi Member Milestones October 2024

Fay A. Klingler

Fay A. Klingler is an award-winning author and illustrator, known for her empowering work with women, her engaging children’s book, and her motivational speaking. Her stories inspire imagination, promote family bonds, and offer practical, faith-based guidance. You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, and Amazon.

Member Milestone

After years of being out of the writing/publishing arena, I published two faith-based books—one for adults and one for children. Though a great challenge, I developed new formatting and marketing skills to share not only my new books but also my previously published works. I formed a promotion-collaboration group to leverage my children’s book (soon to be books, plural) and gained a tremendous appreciation for other authors’ works and their sincere desire to write and share meaningful materials for children.

I’m excited and happy to reach this milestone because once again I’m giving from my heart and I’m meeting wonderful, dedicated people along the way.

What have you learned?

I’ve learned that a creative mind needs to create, something in one form or another. Doing that promotes emotional wholeness, builds hope, and drives purpose.

L. S. Westhoff

ALLi Member Milestones October 2024

L. S. Westhoff

L. S. Westhoff is a new author who enjoys fantasy, paranormal, romance, and escaping to new or old worlds. She appreciates small acts of kindness but would burn down the world for her dog. You can find her on Facebook or her website.

Member Milestone

In the past nine months, I've achieved a significant milestone as an author: developing a new author website, writing my first fiction novel, and seeing it through the processes of editing, formatting, and marketing. My debut novel, the first in a trilogy, is set to be published on Amazon on October 16th, 2024, and I am nearing the completion of the second book, with editing soon to follow. This journey has been a whirlwind of creativity and dedication, culminating in a work that I'm proud to share with the world. Navigating the complexities of self-publishing has been challenging and rewarding for an independent author. There is so much to learn along the way, but I'm grateful to have avoided scammers who prey on new independent authors. I am proud to be an independent author, for we must persevere in successfully navigating the independent publishing world.

What have you learned?

The most important lesson I've learned from achieving these milestones is that the learning journey never ends. Throughout this process, I've realized how crucial it is to have the support of mentors, friends, and family who can bolster your confidence when it falters and provide honest, constructive feedback. Additionally, understanding the financial aspect of running your self-publishing business is essential; knowing what to invest helps turn your goals into reality.

S. G. Fessel

ALLi Member Milestones October 2024

S. G. Fessel

S. G. Fessel hopes to connect with readers' experiences and uncover hidden worlds through imagination.

Member Milestone

I published my first novel, Switchling on September 14. It has taken me many years to write (and it has received two awards)!

What have you learned?

Have faith in yourself and keep going until you get there!

Sara Sartagne

ALLi Member Milestones October 2024

Sara Sartagne

Karen was in PR where she used to write stories for other people. Now, as Sara Sartagne, she writes them for herself.

Member Milestone

I published my seventh book after a hard, hard year personally in 2023. I even managed to get some local press coverage. I lost my dad and stepmum last year, within months of one another.

What have you learned?

That writing can actually be good for the soul.

Rose O'Keefe

ALLi Member Milestones October 2024

Rose O'Keefe

Rose O'Keefe has been a neighborhood historian for about twenty years and is the author of seven nonfiction history books—four traditionally published and three self-published

Member Milestone

A short play that I wrote in the 1990s, was one of ten selected for a community play-reading showcase that will take place October 12. I have always believed this retelling of the Pied Piper of Hamelin from five points of view was good. It was produced by zoom for Fringe Fest two years ago, and I took a chance and submitted it.

What have you learned?

Being around community theater people is fun!

J. A. Cox

ALLi Member Milestones October 2024

J. A. Cox

J. A. Cox is a husband, father and award-winning author who loves Jesus and enjoys helping others through writing and in person.

Member Milestone

I was awarded as a finalist in the 2024 Readers' Favorite Annual International Book Awards in the Non-Fiction – Writing/Publishing category. It is the very first book award contest that I have entered, and I am humbled to have made the finalist category, considering that this was their largest contest to date. I thank God for allowing me to be blessed with such an achievement.

What have you learned?

The lesson that I have learned is that it is better to give it a shot even if you don't think you may not reach the achievement you are aiming for.

Hands in the air for Member MilestonesNot yet an ALLi member?

The Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) is a global membership association for self-publishing authors. A non-profit, our mission is ethics and excellence in self-publishing.

Everyone on our team is a working indie author and we offer advice and advocacy for self-publishing authors within the literary, publishing, and creative industries around the world. All the membership options and benefits, including free access to our collection of self-publishing advice ebooks, are on our website. Take a look and join us today.

Thoughts or further questions on this post or any self-publishing issue?

Question mark in light bulbsIf you’re an ALLi member, head over to the SelfPubConnect forum for support from our experienced community of indie authors, advisors, and our own ALLi team. Simply create an account (if you haven’t already) to request to join the forum and get going.

Non-members looking for more information can search our extensive archive of blog posts and podcast episodes packed with tips and advice at ALLi's Self-Publishing Advice Center.


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