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Beyond The Gold Seal: Leveraging Book Awards For Indie Author Marketing

Beyond the Gold Seal: Leveraging Book Awards for Indie Author Marketing

Photo of Hannah Jacobson Oct 2023

Hannah Jacobson

In this Alliance of Independent Authors post, Book Award Adviser Hannah Jacobson discusses leveraging book awards. She shares how indie authors can use book awards to boost their book's visibility and credibility. She offers practical tips on leveraging awards in your marketing strategy.

Welcome to the Book Award Update for August 2024 with Hannah Jacobson from Book Award Pro.

Independent authors aren't just writers; you are also your own marketing team. In the vast sea of books published each year, it's crucial to find ways to make your work stand out.

One powerful tool in your marketing arsenal is book awards. Let's explore how you can use these accolades to raise your book's profile and reach more readers.

Why book awards matter

Leveraging Book AwardsBook awards serve as a stamp of quality for your work, showing potential buyers that your book has been recognized by readers and industry professionals. Awards can boost your professionalism, increase your book's visibility, and ultimately lead to more sales.

There's a wide range of book awards available, from well-known national competitions to niche genre-specific contests. As an independent author, you might consider starting with awards specifically designed for self-published or indie books.

How to use awards in your marketing strategy

Winning a book award is an achievement to be proud of, but it's also a powerful marketing tool when used effectively. Let's cover a few strategic ways you can leverage your book award to maximize its impact on your marketing efforts.

Update your book cover. If your book wins an award, consider adding this information to your book cover. An award seal or a line of text can quickly communicate your book's award-winning status to potential readers.

Leveraging Book AwardsRevise your author bio. Include your award in your author bio on your website, social media profiles, and book retail pages. This adds to your credibility and professionalism as an author.

Issue a press release and notify local media outlets. Write and distribute a press release about your award. Additionally, connect with local media outlets. These organizations often love to feature success stories from their community.

Run a social media campaign. Share your award news across all your social media platforms. Create eye-catching graphics to accompany your posts and infuse story marketing into your approach.

Update your newsletter subscribers. If you have a mailing list, be sure to share your award news with your subscribers. They're likely to be some of your biggest supporters and can help spread the word.

Host a book signing. When participating in author events and book signings, display your award prominently. It can serve as a great conversation starter with potential readers. Additionally, consider hosting a book signing event to celebrate your success and share the occasion with your most excited fans.

Remember that book awards fuel story marketing

Leveraging Book AwardsStory marketing is a powerful technique that involves using narrative elements to promote your book: sharing every step of your author journey to connect with readers.

As you build your author brand, create a compelling narrative around your award journey.

Share the story of how you decided to enter the contest, the anticipation of waiting for results, and your reaction when you won. This behind-the-scenes look can engage readers and make them feel more connected to you and your book.

Use this story in blog posts, social media updates, or even in the “about the author” section of your next book. You could also create a video diary of your award experience to share on platforms like YouTube or TikTok.

This approach humanizes the award and makes it more than just an accolade. It becomes part of your author journey that readers can connect with emotionally.

You have the freedom to chart your own course in the independent publishing world. By strategically using book awards in your marketing efforts, you can increase your visibility, build credibility, and connect with more readers.

About Hannah Jacobson, ALLi Awards & Story Marketing Advisor

Hannah Jacobson is the founder of Book Award Pro: the company that leads the industry in helping authors find the perfect reviews and awards for their books.

Book Award Pro is the industry expert on accolades, operating the world's largest database of legitimate reviews and awards. Every year, authors spanning six continents win thousands of new awards, receive valuable reviews, and market their books in one easy-to-use platform.

Book Award Pro has been a trusted ALLi Partner Member since 2020. Hannah is the ALLi advisor for awards and story marketing, and contributes to ALLi resources including the Book Award & Contest Ratings page, Book Prizes & Awards for Indie Authors guidebook, and the Ultimate Guide to Winning Book Awards. Begin your award-winning journey for free or connect with Hannah and Book Award Pro on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and X.

Find out more

Front cover Book Prizes and Awards for Indie AuthorsFor more information on applying for book awards that are open to indie authors, you can purchase our short guide, available in multiple formats on our bookstore: Book Prizes & Awards for Indie Authors.

Members enjoy free access to the ebook.

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Non-members looking for more information can search our extensive archive of blog posts and podcast episodes packed with tips and advice at ALLi's Self-Publishing Advice Centre.


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