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6 Week Countdown To Our Indie Author Fringe

6 week Countdown to our Indie Author Fringe

Frankfurt Book FairYes, it's Indie Author Fringe online conference time again, brought to you in association with The Alliance of Independent Authors.

Our final event of the year is Fringe to the Frankfurt Book Fair, and will feature 24-hours of round-the-clock sessions for  authors of an independent mindset, all over the world. Mark your diaries now:

  • Date: Saturday 22nd October
  • Start Time: 10am Frankfurt

Indie Author Fringe Focus

Our London Book Fair Fringe focused on creating your book, the first part of the process. Our second event, fringe to Book Expo America covered how to sell your book.  Now in final part of the success puzzle, Indie Author Fringe for 2016 will centre on “Running an Indie Author Business“.

Indie Author Fringe Speakers

As always, we've got a roster of world-class speakers, who will be sharing their experience and expertise, to help you turn your creative endeavors into an enterprise that delivers commercial satisfaction too.

Whether you're trying to decide if you're ready to launch your author business, or you're already up and running and need guidance to streamline or improve, our conference will answer all your questions, and save  you time, money and effort as you go.

The conference will cover all skills levels, with some topics specifically aimed at beginners, intermediate or established self-publishers.

We're rolling out the reveals of our speakers over the next couple of weeks, and you can check to see who's scheduled and their topics on our Speaker Page.

Best Website Competition

Best WebsiteAs part of our Fringe we're looking for your Best Website recommendations. What website would you recommend as a resource to another indie author?

A panel of judges will review all entries and the winner will be acknowledged and rewarded by ALLi. You can submit your own website, or somebody else's. Please check the submission guidelines here.


Ingram SparkIn Celebration of Ingram Spark's Gold sponsorship at Indie Author Fringe they are offering the following:
  • All setup costs waived on new titles
  • Setup your existing paperback titles in hardback for no additional cost

Visit their sponsor page for more information and the Promo code you need to use to take advantage of this Indie Author Fringe deal.

We have plenty of other exciting deals, discounts and giveaways planned for our next Indie Author Fringe. Don't miss out. Register now for the Fringe (It's all by authors for authors, so all free), and receive update and attendance details by email.

All Indie Author Fringe attendees receive a free copy of “Opening Up to Indie Authors” and are automatically enrolled in the giveaway prize draw.


Help us spread the word on Twitter by tweeting:

#authors, have you registered for the #IndieAuthorFringe free #selfpublishing conference? #IAF16 #Selfpub Share on X


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