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Self-Publishing By Numbers: Infographic

Self Publishing by the Numbers
Infographic by: Web Site Creation.com

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    This Post Has 11 Comments
    1. Very informative. I’m seeking to e-publish my first self-help book and climbing the learning curve. There have been a few surprises enroute. However, this information just made it somewhat easier. Thanks.

    2. This is incredibly useful. All the writers I talk to want to know more about how one stacks up against the other. Of course there’s more to it, there always is, but there are a load of great starting points here. Lovely to have a cool graphic to point people to, so thanks!

    3. Very informative. The only figures missing are the per hour labour costs for the marketing required for the two alternatives.

      (Nobody claims that traditional publishing offers the active marketing it perhaps once did, but without it’s endorsement the self-publisher has to work longer and harder, and to the detriment of any time for the next book…except some brilliant fiction writers who are ‘hailing’ from an established platform.)

      I would be interested in those figures.

    4. We’ve just been alerted by Kristen Jensen that the figure for Amazon ebooks is out of date / a bit inaccurate, implying that it’s 70% on all books. Please adjust your screens accordingly.

    5. This is excellent, just what I needed. As my ‘other’ profession is accountancy, I am always analysing my costs, sales income and wondering how it compares to traditional publishing and print on demand etc.

      Thank you so much for this informative post.

    6. Interesting article. However, if you’re a first time romance author with Harlequin or other traditional publishers, the advance is more like $1000 to $4000, unless things have drastically changed in the last few years, which I really doubt.

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