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How I Do It: Successful Indie Authors Share Their Secrets. This Week: Liliana Hart.

How I Do It: Successful Indie Authors Share Their Secrets. This week: Liliana Hart.

self-publishing Liliana Hart

Liliana Hart's top tip: “Write more books.”

“I’d definitely recommend writing a series to hook readers.” Liliana Hart talks about the writing and publishing strategies that have seen her sell more than a million books since she started self-publishing in June of 2011.

What's the secret of your success?

Hard work and having new books out on a consistent basis. I write all the time. Once you start self-publishing you have to constantly “feed the beast”.

What was the single best thing you ever did?

Besides self-publish in general? Because that has worked out pretty well, I’d say!  The best thing I did was write the MacKenzie series. Those books are 70% of my monthly income, and readers get more and more attached with every book.

I’d definitely recommend writing a series to hook readers.

Did you get lucky? What happened?

I might get lucky on occasion whenever my books are picked up on different sites or featured somewhere, but I honestly think if you keep putting out quality content with a professional package that you’re going to find success. Hard work pays off, and self-publishing is a lot of hard-work, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love being in control of my career and being able to make changes if I need to.

How do you get/stay in creative mode?

I write whether the creative mode is there or not. Waiting on your muse isn’t a good way to get new books out. I put my butt in the chair and write until I shake something loose.

How do you prioritize?
The writing has to come first. There’d be no business to prioritize if the books weren’t there. So I keep to my writing schedule no matter what. Everything else is secondary -— emails, social media, blog posts etc.

What's next for you?

WHISKEY REBELLION, the third book in my Addison Holmes Mystery Series comes out August 27th and is up for pre-order at Amazon: http://amzn.to/15DFHto

What's your top tip for other indie authors?

Write more books.

Liliana Hart is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author in both the mystery and romance genres. After starting her first novel during her freshman year of college, she immediately became addicted to writing and knew she'd found what she was meant to do with her life. She has no idea why she majored in music.

Liliana is an avid reader and a believer in all things romance. Her books are filled with witty dialogue, steamy sex, and the all-important happily-ever-afters her romantic soul craves. She lives in Texas with her husband and four children, and they occasionally let her meet her deadlines. She can be reached through her website at www.lilianahart.com.

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    This Post Has 11 Comments
    1. I think that the most valuable piece of advice for every aspiring author to understand is to keep on writing and write every single day.
      Good for you Liliana, and much more success to you in the future. And thank you for sharing your keys to self publishing success here with us.

    2. Congratulations and great advice.

      The series is advice is key– having released five stand alones when starting my indie career– not the smartest move, although I have managed to sell over a million eBooks since then. I’m back to series now.

    3. Really good advice, especially for romance genre and books that readers go from one to another. Many non-fiction authors and other genres will also need marketing tips for what they’ve produced.

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