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Print Book Sales

Print Book Sales Rebound, Spotify Adds Author Tools, and Taylor Swift’s Self-Published Success: The Self-Publishing News Podcast with Dan Holloway

On this episode of the Self-Publishing News Podcast, Dan Holloway explores new data showing a resurgence in print book sales, with adult fiction leading the growth and young adult fiction seeing a decline. He also highlights Spotify’s new Wrapped feature for authors, providing audiobook creators with detailed insights into their listeners’ habits. Plus, Dan reflects on the impact of Taylor Swift’s self-published Eras Tour Book, which sold over 1.2 million copies, showcasing the power of self-publishing on a massive scale.
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Created By Humans

Created By Humans Launches; Print Book Sales Rise in 2024: Self-Publishing News with Dan Holloway

Created By Humans has launched. I will confess, I thought it had done so already—the hype around the AI rights site has been so great. For those who are unaware (though all readers here will be familiar), this is a site where authors can register their copyrighted works if they are interested in controlling and potentially monetizing the use of their copyrighted work. The site, founded by Scribd’s Trip Adler and Jen Singleman, is the rights partner organization for the Society of Authors.
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