Your Self-Publishing questions answered by Joanna and Orna
From 8:00 pm GMT until 9:00 pm GMT
At Online
Ask ALLi Member Q&A August 2015: Your Self-Publishing Questions answered by Joanna Penn and Orna Ross
The Q&A will broadcast live on Google+ and ALLi members can have their questions answered. The Google Hangout is open to all members and non-members.
Event starts at 8:00pm GMT
- Global Dates and Times:
- Date: 25th August /26th August 2015
- Time: Like all ALLi Insights events, this one goes out on August 25th at 12noon PST (Vancouver) / 3pm EST (New York City / 6pm BRST (Sao Paolo) / 8pm GMT (London) / 10pm SAST (Johannesburg) /and August 26th at 1.30am IST (Dehli) and 7am AEDT (Sydney)
Our monthly Member Q&A is part of our “Ask ALLi” Campaign: in which ALLi (Alliance of Independent Authors) commits to answering any question about self-publishing that any member might have.
Only ALLi members can submit questions to this particular event but all authors can watch and learn.
If you are an ALLi member, click here to submit your questions