Imagine your book as a beautiful paperback and eBook on sale around the world with no techie headaches to manage and you keeping 100% of your royalties. At Indie Authors World, we do that for you.
Indie Authors World was created in response to requests for help from writers like you. As self-published authors, ourselves we understand the professionalism, technical knowledge and entrepreneurial mindset needed to be successful.
Our customers say we make self-publishing an enjoyable, pain free experience by offering a complete service including editing, cover and interior design, marketing solutions and so much more. You have complete control of your book and retain all your publishing rights to ensure you can build your own Indie Author business the way that works for you.
Publishing knowledge, self-confidence, motivation and a positive mindset are so important in achieving your aspirations and we guide you through the learning curve with our own exclusive training programme and enthusiastic support.
Add in the value of our knowledgeable and encouraging online community of Indie Authors, our local Scottish events and our commitment to deliver excellent quality it’s no wonder that 100% of our customers recommend us to their friends.
If you want a friendly, professional, responsive service that truly cares not only about publishing your book but also about your goals then schedule a free call with Kim now.
Email – [email protected]
0141 569 7249 or Skype kim.macleod66
Website: Indie Authors World
Twitter: @indiauthorworld
Facebook: facebook.com/indieauthorsworld
Indie Authors World are session sponsor for Orna Ross' session “The Psychology of Creative Success”
Creatives often define success differently, are less ambitious in a worldly sense and work from different values and intentions. We can also get confused or blocked by conventional ambitions and outer demands. In this session, Orna Ross outlines three core creative concepts and stages of the process that help you harness the power of the create-state in your business as well as your writing.
Sponsor Session Promo
Mindset Mastery for Self Publishing Success FREE Online Course
To celebrate Indie Fringe 2016 get your FREE Mindset Mastery for Self Publishing Success course now. Enter your details and get immediate access.
Mindset Mastery for Self-Publishing Success online course
You have written your book but what is the difference between authors that are successful and those that aren’t?
Your mindset is the fundamental difference, what you think, feel and then do will determine how you proceed and handle the challenges that you may face. How can you adopt a successful mindset?
You will learn –
- The seven keys that make a difference to what you can achieve.
- How to make your thoughts work for you.
- How to handle the challenging times.
- How to use visualisation techniques to achieve your goals.
Your Bonus : Kim’s own Relax and Feel Happy audio session included.
Add your details and get access to this FREE exclusive training NOW