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Draft2Digital is a Session Sponsor for our 2017 London Book Fair Indie Author Fringe event.

Our online conference starts at 10am (London) on March 18th 2017 and runs continuously for 24 hours.

This indie author event is free to attend thanks to the generous support of sponsors like Draft2Digital.

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Self-publish with support

As a writer, you want to write. So when it comes to publishing, you could use a little support. We make it easy. Keep writing. Keep your rights. We'll help with the rest.


Here's the deal: There are no fees for formatting or distributing your book. When you sell a book, we both make money. We keep about 10% of the retail price. We don’t try to upsell you to some expensive services package or nickel-and-dime you for making changes to your e-book.

You can list your ebook at whatever price makes you happy. It’s your call. You can even offer your book for free.


Real support from real people. You can call our support line and speak to a real human being or email our responsive support team for help with your needs. If you have questions, contact us.
No restrictions on use. Your book is still your book, so we don’t put any restrictions on where or how you can use your converted epub.

Protection of your copyright. When you publish a project through our service, you give us permission to do the copying and distribution necessary to release your book through digital stores, but we never gain control of those rights. You can revoke that permission at any time. We want you to keep your rights and keep on writing.

For more info about support and the rest of Draft2Digital, check out our FAQ.

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London Book Fair 2017 LBF IAF LogoDraft2Digital are session sponsor for “How To Reach More Readers And Make More Money From Your Books”.

This live audio session from the London Book Fair Author HQ showcases the following Indie Author expertise:

  • Joanna Penn focuses on how to think about each book as a potential for multiple streams of income, as you write and produce it.
  • Gabriel Mercer tells how to track what is working and what's not, so as to choose publishing options that take most advantage of expanding global opportunities for your books.
  • Adam Croft explains how developing a business mindset enabled him to become one of the biggest-selling self-published novelists in the world.

You will also be able to download this Author Marketing 101 free PDF download as part of this session.

Draft2Digital presents Author Marketing 101

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