#AskALLi Members Q&A Salon with Michael La Ronn and Orna Ross, ALLi Director. Our questions this month include: - Is 99Designs worth it for designing your book cover? - Amazon price matches print books, but do any of the other big retailers do price matching? - Will ingramspark promotion for AllI members continue in 2020? - Do I need a different ISBN for each format of my book? - Where can I find ALLi's Watchdog list of service providers? How do I vet a service provider that may not be listed in the directory? - Is it worth entering my book for the London Book Fair Showcase in 2020? - Does ALLi offer discounts for various worldwide conferences? TUNE IN: 05:00 PST (Vancouver), 13:00 BST (London), 09:00 EST (NYC), 17:30 IST (Dehli), 22.00 AEST (Sydney).
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