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ALLi's Copyright Bill of Rights explains the eight articles that determine an author's ability to earn from their creative work. To put this Bill of Rights together, we used these resources. We hope they help you better understand copyright and the role it plays in your author life.


Anderson, Porter. 2018. “After the European Parliament Vote: Voices For and Against the EU Copyright Directive.” Publishing Perspectives Blog. September 13, 2019. Publishingperspectives.com/2018/09/european-parliament-voices-for-against-copyright-directive/


Authors Guild, The. n.d. “Where We Stand, Copyright.” New York, NY. The Authors Guild. Authorsguild.org/where-we-stand/copyright/


Baldwin, Peter. 2014. The Copyright Wars: Three Centuries of Trans-Atlantic Battle. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 


CARL (Canadian Association of Research Libraries). 2017. “Fair Dealing in Canada: Myths and Facts.” Ottawa, Canada: CARL/ABRC. Carl-abrc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/CARL_FD_myths_facts_EN.pdf


Doctorow, Cory. 2019. “Now EVERYBODY Hates the New EU Copyright Directive.” San Francisco, California: Electronic Frontier Foundation, January 18, 2019. Eff.org/deeplinks/2019/01/now-everybody-hates-new-eu-copyright-directive


Doctorow, Cory. 2019. “Artists Against Article 13: When Big Tech and Big Content Make a Meal of Creators, It Doesn't Matter Who Gets the Bigger Piece.” San Francisco, California: Electronic Frontier Foundation, February 24, 2019.  Eff.org/deeplinks/2019/02/artists-against-article-13-when-big-tech-and-big-content-make-meal-creators-it


Doctorow, Cory. 2019. “As the German Government Abandons Small Businesses, the Worst Parts of the EU Copyright Directive Come Roaring Back, Made Even Worse.” San Francisco, California: Electronic Frontier Foundation, February 5, 2019. Eff.org/deeplinks/2019/01/german-government-abandons-small-businesses-worst-parts-eu-copyright-directive


Doctorow, Cory. 2019. “That German-French Deal to ‘Rescue’ the EU Copyright Directive? Everyone Hates It. EVERYONE.” San Francisco, California: Electronic Frontier Foundation, February 7, 2019. Eff.org/deeplinks/2019/02/german-french-deal-rescue-eu-copyright-directive-everyone-hates-it-everyone 


Doctorow, Cory, 2018. “EU Internet Censorship Will Censor the Whole World's Internet.” San Francisco, California: Electronic Frontier Foundation, October 9, 2018. Eff.org/deeplinks/2018/10/eu-internet-censorship-will-censor-whole-worlds-internet


European Commission. 2019. “Digital Single Market: EU Negotiators Reach a Breakthrough to Modernise Copyright Rules.” Strasbourg, France: The European Commission, February 13, 2019. Europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-19-528_en.htm


Fair Dealing Canada Lutilisation quitable au Canada (no date) “Fair dealing works.” Available at: Fair-dealing.ca/


Giblin, Rebecca. 2019. “The Need for Author Rights.” Interview with Canada’s Michael Geist, LawBytes podcast.  April 18, 2019. Authorsinterest.org/2019/04/18/new-podcast-rebecca-giblin-on-the-need-for-author-rights/


Giblin, Rebecca. 2019. “Does Australia Really Need Author Rights? A Response to Industry Pushback.” Canberra, Australia: The Authors Interest/Australian Research Council, March 11, 2019. Authorsinterest.org/2019/03/11/does-australia-really-need-author-rights-a-response-to-industry-pushback/


Giblin, Rebecca. 2018. “The Difference Between Copyright’s Rewards and Incentives (and What it Means for Getting Creators Paid).” Canberra, Australia: The Authors Interest/Australian Research Council, October 26, 2018. Authorsinterest.org/2018/10/26/the-difference-between-copyrights-rewards-and-incentives-and-what-it-means-for-getting-creators-paid/


Giblin, Rebecca. 2018. “Fat Horses & Starving Sparrows: On Bullshit in Copyright Debates.” Canberra, Australia: The Authors Interest/Australian Research Council, October 18, 2018. Authorsinterest.org/2018/10/18/fat-horses-starving-sparrows-on-bullshit-in-copyright-debates/


Hanson, Dave. 2019. “The Importance of Fair Use: A Fair Use Week Celebration.” Washington, DC: Fair Use Week/Fair Dealing Week, February 2019. http://fairuseweek.org/


Harmon, Elliot. 2019. “Don’t Sacrifice Fair Use to the Bots.” San Francisco, California: Electronic Frontier Foundation (blog). March 1, 2019. Eff.org/deeplinks/2019/03/dont-sacrifice-fair-use-bots


Hyde, Lewis. 2007. The Gift: How the Creative Spirit Transforms the World. Edinburgh, Scotland: Canongate Pub Ltd. 


International Publishers Association (IPA) and WIPO, The Global Publishing Industry in 2016: A Pilot Survey by the IPA and WIPO.  Geneva, Switzerland: WIPO, 2018. Wipo.int/publications/en/details.jsp?id=4251&plang=EN


Mansfield, Katie. 2019. “Trade Bodies Welcome EU Breakthrough on Copyright Rules.” London, UK: The Bookseller (blog).  Thebookseller.com/news/soa-and-ba-welcome-eu-breakthrough-copyright-rules-954026


Pickard-Whitehead, Gabriel. 2018. “What Does the EUs Article 13 Mean for Small Site Publishers?” Florida, USA: Small Business Trends. Smallbiztrends.com/2018/09/article-13.html


Ross, Orna. 2023. How Authors Sell Publishing Rights: ALLi’s Guide to Working with Publishers, Producers and Others (An Alliance of Independent Authors Guide: Self-Publishing Success Series, Volume 6). London, UK: Font Publications, 2023. Buy this book on Selfpublishingadvice.org/rights-licensing/. Or download it for free in the Members’ Zone. 


Seeber, Monica and Richard Balkwill. 2007. Managing Intellectual Property in the Book Publishing Industry. Geneva, Switzerland: WIPO.  Wipo.int/publications/en/details.jsp?id=255&plang=EN


Shapiro, Carl. “Optimal Pricing of Experience Goods.” The Bell Journal of Economics 14, no. 2 (1983): 497-507. doi:10.2307/3003650. Jstor.org/stable/3003650?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents


Society of Authors. 2018. “Back the Copyright Directive.” London, UK: The Society of Authors, August 30, 2018.  Societyofauthors.org/News/News/2018/August/back-the-copyright-directive


Society of Authors. n.d. “Where We Stand.” London, UK: The Society of Authors. Societyofauthors.org/Where-We-Stand/Copyright


US Copyright Office. n.d. “Fair Use Index.” Washington, DC: Copyright.gov. Copyright.gov/fair-use/more-info.html


Wagner-Stafford, Boni. 2018. “International Copyright: Four Facts for Indie Authors on World IP Day 2018.” Toronto, Canada: Ingenium Books Publishing (blog). Ingeniumbooks.com/international-copyright-4-facts-indie-authors-need-to-know-on-worldipday/


Woodhouse, Maia. 2019. “IP Enforcement in the Digital Age: Identifying Infringers in an Anonymous Online Environment.” Virginia, USA: IP Watchdog (blog). March 23, 2019. Ipwatchdog.com/2019/03/23/ip-enforcement-in-the-digital-age-identifying-infringers-online/id=107610/


World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). n.d. Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) Wipo.int/policy/en/sccr/


Yuvaraj, Joshua. 2019. “Reversion Laws: What’s Happening Elsewhere in the World?” Canberra, Australia: The Authors Interest/Australian Research Council (blog). April 4, 2019. Authorsinterest.org/2019/04/04/reversion-laws-whats-happening-elsewhere-in-the-world/


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