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Reach More Readers, Sell More Books: ALLI’s Guide to Book Marketing for Authors and Poets


Based around the three most effective kinds of book marketing and promotion today, this in-depth self-publishing guidebook from the Director of the Alliance of Independent Author is a must-have for every indie author.

Want to form a solid book marketing plan that works for your personality and writing routine—while delivering a solid return on investment? This guide can show you how.

Reach More Readers, Sell More Books is a comprehensive book marketing and promotion guide that provides a blueprint for launching new books and boosting backlist sales, without derailing your writing. Written by the expert team at the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi), it draws on the experience of thousands of author-members, from complete beginners to prolific bestsellers.

The book takes an individual, innovative approach, encouraging you to balance logical tactics with creative flair, across the three most successful kinds of book marketing and promotion that are working for authors today: ACCESS marketing, influencer marketing, algorithm marketing. It factors in your goals, interests, strengths, and motivators to accommodate your needs and preferences as a writer and as a publisher and creative entrepreneur.

Through its easy-to-read format, you will:

  • Learn timeless book marketing principles.
  • Identify strategies that work for today's authors, in your genre.
  • Launch and build an author brand, even without a budget.
  • Lean into strategies that fit your personality and writing routine.
  • Master advanced tactics to grow your readership and book sales.

No matter the genre—fiction, nonfiction, or poetry—the principles and practices outlined in this book work. Applying them to your work, you’ll bake marketing success into your books, see stronger launches, reach more of the right readers, and grow your author business over the long term.

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