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Opening Doors: ALLi’s Guide to the Publishing Industry for Authors

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Opening Doors is part of ALLi’s Open Up to Indie Authors campaign which encourages and aids literary events, festivals, prizes, reviewers, booksellers, government bodies, and other interested parties to find ways to include self-publishing authors in their programs, events, listings and reviews.

This guide is directed towards indie authors encouraging them to enter awards and joining literary associations, to approaching festivals, bookshops and making the most of your publication rights.

In this proactive book, you’ll receive tips, insights and inspiring case studies along with:

  • Insights into the current self-publishing industry
  • Curating your publishing goals
  • Being professional with your presentation
  • Distribution to library platforms, bookstores
  • And reaching out to reviewers, commissions, festivals, awards
  • Joining publishers and author associations

To reach out to partners successfully in the self-publishing world, download this book now.

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