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July 2024 – The Indie Author Magazine

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This issue’s cover star is Oriana Leckert, head of publishing at the crowdfunding platform Kickstarter.

More and more authors are finding that crowdfunding has massive benefits. As well as raising up-front finance for a project, it can deepen our relationship with our readers, help us understand them better and teach us important marketing skills. Is it time you considered crowdfunding? Our in-depth guide, alongside our practical definitions and ideas around book marketing, should help you figure that out. And If you write memoir, we’re focusing on your genre this time out.

Other features in this issue include…what is the indie spirit, what are the actual rules on copyright and should you formally register your book? All this and our regular roundup of the latest news that will affect your publishing activities, highlights from the ALLi advice blog, podcasts and interviews. And last but definitely not least, your achievements in our member news.


Since April 2018, The Indie Author Magazine (TIA) has chronicled the self-publishing revolution and its pioneers: you!

Our member magazine brings you the latest news and views, information and insights from ALLi–and from the wider indie author community.

Trends, events, opinion, and advice from people leading the self-publishing field. All you need to keep up with what’s happening in the exciting, expanding world of author-publishing.

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