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Self-Publishing Accessible Ebooks

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An estimated one billion people worldwide have some form of disability, meaning many are unable to read conventional publications. You may well have friends or family members who struggle to read conventional print or ebooks.

Globally people are living longer and an aging population is predicted to significantly increase the number of people with print disabilities.

By considering accessibility in the self-publication of your ebook, you not only help to create a more equal world for people with print disabilities but you also enable a much wider population to enjoy the result of your work.

In this guide you will:

  • Be introduced to the key terms and concepts in eBook accessibility
  • Understand how people with print disabilities can read eBooks
  • Discover how to create a manuscript which supports accessibility
  • Learn about accessibility in the major eBook formats
  • Explore how the primary self-publishing retailers support accessibility
  • Investigate some of the challenges in accessible eBook publishing

A checklist is provided for you to work through the key accessibility considerations for your next book.

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