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Create More, Create Faster, Create Better: Orna Ross

INDIE AUTHOR FRINGE: Orna Ross, Director of ALLi, shares the core principles of a creative mindset and her favorite creative tools. The aim of this session is to show you how to cultivate the create state, understand your own creative psychology and empower you to write and publish more, faster and better.
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Self-Publishing Services Watchdog

Choosing the best Self-Publishing Companies and Services: Author Tips from ALLi

INDIE AUTHOR FRINGE: When an author sets out to self-publish, he or she can very quickly become overwhelmed by the choices on offer. At ALLi, we have evaluated hundreds of self-publishing services and vendors. In addition to compliance with our Code of Standards, there are specific issues we look out for and these areas deserve extra scrutiny when you are considering any self-publishing service.
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Kerry Gardiner

Chatbots: The New Book Marketing Phenomenon Authors Cannot Ignore: Kerry Gardiner

INDIE AUTHOR FRINGE: Chatbots are here, and they’re here to stay. Love them or loathe them, you should not dismiss their potential. Chatbots are an incredibly powerful tool that can help you read a wider audience, combat mailing list fatigue, and engage with your readers in a way that a newsletter can’t. Kerry will show why you should have your own chatbot, the benefits of having one, and dispel some of the negative connotations that spring to mind when you hear the word ‘bot’.
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Failing Faster to Succeed as an Author: Tara R. Alemany

INDIE AUTHOR FRINGE: Wouldn’t it be great if you knew, before investing all that time and effort, there was an eager market willing to pay for your book? A little bit of market research can go a long way toward ensuring the financial success of your work. Learn how to test topic ideas and refine them into ready-to-sell titles for enthusiastic readers.
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